Network Infrastructure
In today’s increasingly complex business environments, the network is facing new challenges & is continually under pressure to be reliable, secure, accessible and must offer more services than ever before. Applications, and the
network infrastructure of switches and routers that transport them, are crucial tools for enhancing user productivity and increasing an organization’s ability to grow and remain competitive. eMerge technologies offers a system approach
for designing & building the Network Infrastructure which helps organizations to have integrated, secure, resilient networks that can incorporate intelligence.
This approach helps organizations to quickly and easily deploy new applications and communications systems that merge wireless, voice, video, and storage capabilities. Our industry-certified systems consultants and technical specialists
continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills, bringing you the latest advances in network technology.
Some of the infrastructure solutions offered by us:
• Structured Cabling solutions
• Assess, Design, Implement, and manage the traditional network infrastructure, including LANs & WANs.
• Bandwidth Optimization and Quality of Service (QoS) design and implementation.
• Survey, Assessment & deployment of Unified Wireless Network Solution.
• Integration for mobility technologies, including unified communication and mobile devices
• WAN and Application Acceleration Solutions
• Network Load Balancing solutions to optimize utilization and resilience of network resources
• Server and Service Load Balancing solutions to provide maximum availability of systems and resources.